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Online Symposium

Online Symposium

Online Symposium for researchers, scientists, experts, business leaders and innovators from universities, industrial companies, R&D Centers and more!


Dear Colleague,
We are very pleased to announce that “2nd International Symposium On Implementations Of Digital Industry And Management Of Digital Transformation 2021” will be held online on 10-11 December 2021.
2nd International Symposium on Implementations of Digital Industry and Management of Digital Transformation 2021, aims to create an opportunity for interacting, sharing and discussing ideas, success stories, good practices, cases, experiences, developments and foresights on worldwide Digital Industry and Digital Transformation issues.

The symposium is organized by  InnoPark Konya Technology Development Zone. The symposium will be organized regularly in odd years.

Official Language of the symposium is English but, papers in Turkish will be accepted as well.

We invite researchers, scientists, experts, business leaders and innovators from universities, companies, institutions, technology providers, communities, agencies, associations and societies to submit papers, proposals for special sessions, workshops and exhibitions focusing on the following symposium topics:

• Industry 4.0
• IoT (Internet of Things)
• Big Data
• Cybersecurity
• Augmented / Virtual Reality
• Smart factories
• Simulation
• Cyberphysical Systems
• Artificial Intelligence
• Machine Vision
• Robotics
• Advanced manufacturing techniques
• Management of digital transformation
• Digital Transformation macro/micro policies

Full text symposium proceedings will be collected in an open access electronic book. Selected papers will be published in “IJETIME-International Journal of Emerging Technologies, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship”.

The deadline for submitting papers and proposals is August 15,2021.

Thank you very much in advance for your interest. More details are provided in the symposium web site digitalindustrysymp.com . Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Fatih Mehmet Botsalı

Symposium Chairman

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey

General Manager of InnoPark-Konya Technology Development Zone

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